A place of worship with nature at heart

The Plymouth Brethren Christian Church is bringing foward proposals to deliver a much-needed Gospel Hall in Lichfield on derelict land off Grange Lane.

The public consultation has now closed. All comments received are much appreciated and have been taken into account to inform the final planning application.

The proposals seek to revitalise land which was previously used as a caravan park to provide a new Gospel Hall for the local congregation. Comprehensive landscaping is also proposed, which includes rewilding parts of the site currently covered by hardstanding and paraphernalia. 

By delivering a new Gospel Hall, the Church will help to remediate land which has long been neglected by derelict buildings and anti-social behaviour. This new Gospel Hall would not only alleviate the current misuse of the site, but also play a crucial role in facilitating the charitable activity delivered by the Church in the local area.

Following extensive and positive pre-application discussions with Lichfield District Council, the Church is now bringing forward a full application for a Gospel Hall. Our proposals have been designed to be sensitive and appropriate for the site, while improving the surrounding natural landscape.

A public consultation was held between 15th April – 1st May. Please note, the public consultation has now closed. 

Feedback from the local community is very important to the Church and all comments received have been carefully reviewed by the project team. A planning application has now been submitted to Lichfield District Council. If you would like to make a formal comment on the application, this can be done directly through the Council’s website.

However, the project team can continue to be contacted using the details below.